Saturday, November 12, 2005

I'm a MySpace Whore.

I'm sure it's not as bad as the next guy, but since I have it, might as well give it away.

Y'all come back soon, ya hear?

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Spill My Guts Out Over an Everything Bagel

There really hasn't been anything exciting in my life lately (not like anything in the near past has really been)...but I do need to report on everyday life if there is to be any sort of continuity. This is really one of those "I need to have a bookmark in the 'Life of Sean' moments." Really not quite enough for a chapter though.

Moment had.

In terms of money making, I've been serving drinks and fixing computers. It's really not what I dreamed of life growing up as a kid, but there are those times when you've got to do what you've got to do.

Another bite of my everything bagel.

Really an uneventful blog, isn't it? I wish I had some funny story or corny joke, but really what it comes down to is that I warmed up a bagel and I needed something to compliment my bagel eating. And I love typing about absolutely nothing.

My last bite.

So I leave you with a mouth devoid of the satisfaction of having an everything bagel, and wondering in the first place what an everything bagel is. The perfect food. Just like butter can complement any food dish or dessert and ranch tastes good on any vegetable, including pizza.

Is Sean on drugs?

I kid you not. The pear's plump and the apricot can live in the mangroves.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

3 Diamond Adventure Travel

I figure since everyone's responding to my postings with blogspam, I might as well use my own space as advertisement. And might I add, this posting is not creative. So if you're going to spam me again, at least save the BS.

3 Diamond Adventure Travel
Cycling Tours of Northern Thailand

Check it out!

Monday, September 05, 2005

What's lamer than that?

Can you believe someone posted spam to my blog? Now that's pretty lame.

What's lamer than lame?

Sean posting to his blog when it's sunny and beautiful outside. Which, by the way, only happens a few times a year in San Francisco.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Karma's a Bitch

It really is. Let me explain.

So I went to Berkeley tonight to have dinner with a friend of mine from high school. I took a late train back to the city. I was walking through the tunnel to the escalator. I usually don't tip street performers, but it was late. And I figured that if this guy playing guitar was any good, I would give him a dollar. I walked by and he was pretty good.

A dollar.

Going up that escalator, I realized that I gave him my last dollar. As it turns out, that dollar was my bus fare, unless I was going to give the bus driver my ten. No chance, right? But what kind of asshole asks a street performer for his money back?

So I walk right by a homeless woman asking for money into a Burger King. Wait behind some guy trying to get free burger for a few minutes and finally break my ten. Then I go outside, walk by another homeless guy. Two steps past him, I realize that I have a granola bar in my pocket, but think nothing of it.

So I continue on down the street towards the bus stop. About a block away, and a minute and a half too late, there goes my bus.

To make the long story short, I walked home. Go figure.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Not a whole lot, but thought I'd check in. guess is that at this point not too many people will be checking in since it's been over a month since my last post. For those of you that are reading, thanks for being so faithful...and let me apologize in advance for how little things have changed in the last month. But I'll have a go at it anyway. I'm not paying for these wasted megabytes in cyberspace, am I?

One big change that has happened since my last post is that I'm now back in San Francisco (again). Hawaii was fun. The water was warm and beautiful, but after the initial novelty of being in paradise wore off, I realized I had hardly gotten away from the hustle of San Francisco.

It had been about seven or so years since I last visited and for some reason my picture of Hawaii was a lot different in my head, as most things are. Basically what got me was the traffic. There was traffic going to Honolulu. Traffic coming back. And worst of all, traffic in the water. The only advantage I had was that I wasn't employed, and if it took me hours and hours of waiting to score some waves, so be it. The only problem was that I was only one of the most recent to jump on this "surf bum" ideology. The lineups hardly ever thinned out.

So after sending my surfboard and all my luggage on a plane without me and buying a last minute return ticket, here I am back in San Francisco; the grass as green as I left it.

Things aren't so bad here in the city. I spent the first week surfing almost every day in the frigid California waters enjoying the strange but comforting feeling of peeing your wetsuit. I didn't just say that, did I? If only you could endulge in the same sitting at your desk wearing your three-piece.

The second week back I took a bartending course offering the better life and easy money. I swear that there are people out there that make a living off of the unemployed or "transitionals." It wasn't all bad though. I have found some leads, and with a little luck I could be serving up your next blowjob. Ladies, please. There's no need to fight.

Excuse me. Gentlemen?

So I guess I do have one funny story from my job hunt. I was going through the job board that my bartending school offers its graduates. I stumbled upon this posting at Club Hide that specifically said "high volume, only experienced need apply." I thought this may be a great opportunity to beat the crowds and give my resume to someone who may not be receiving heaps of resumes. So I call the guy and he tells me to drop off a resume the next day. Really knowing nothing about the place, I thought I might do a little research and Googled the place. Turns out it is an ex-western themed gay bar. Just my luck, isn't it? Hopefully the tips are good.

Well, that's really about it at this point. Thanks for reading. Do write if you get a chance, and don't feel bad if you read down this far. It's really not wasting your time. It's probably just a waste of company time.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

My birthday...not yours!

Okay, so it's not really my birthday anymore. Maybe somewhere near the international dateline, but at least nowhere near this computer.

It was anything and everything I could ask for in a birthday. I slept in. I ate. I went for a surf. I sat around and took a crap. I watched a little t.v. I read a chapter or two. And I went to a hostess bar.

A hostess bar?

Yeah, a hostess bar. And let me tell you, classic moments don't come in prettier packages.

So a little background for those of you that didn't grow up in urban Asia (me included). A hostess bar, apparently from my gathering, is a bar where business men come to meet. It's also a place where attractive single girls come to meet business men who came to meet business men. In plain English, it's a ball grabbing good time.

So, I get a call from an uncle of mine asking if I want to come out to Honolulu for dinner. Of course I do...and the drinking begins. So after dinner, my uncle's friend invites us out to meet with some of his friends at a hostess bar. And we do.

And we order a few beers. And a few more. Then a couple after that.

Then we get the walk by. I think you know what I'm talking about. It's that guy or girl that walks by sporting the evil eye. The first couple of times you think it's only coincidence. Then by the fifth or sixth time, you realize that every time you look back, you're only signaling that you'd love to have a hostess come and keep you company.

Did I say attractive single girls? I swear she was somehow related to me.

Of course, my uncle and his friends had to point out that it was my birthday. And that was it. In mere moments, she was in full-grope force. And my poor nuts.

Adolfus Coors
Founder of Coors Light

Thursday, June 30, 2005

My first entry

So check it out. I'm sitting here in Hawaii, sort of on vacation and sort of trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my life. Hawaii sounds great right? Well...I decided to try out temping to see if I could manage working in the hustle-bustle of Honolulu. Not really as great as I imagined. I mean it could be worse, but it sure as hell could be a whole lot better. Let me explain.

I'm sitting in a cubicle. Let's start there. A cubicle in an architecture firm The woman I am filling in for is on vacation for the day. It's her birthday. Happy Birthday June. She's an executive assistant, and as it turns out, the people she is an assistant to are all out of town on meetings. So, that makes me a temporary executive assistant to no one. So you may ask yourself, "What does a temporary executive assistant to no one do?" He starts a blog.

So how did I find this blog anyway? I'm glad you asked.

I've been sitting around in Hawaii trying to occupy myself. (Aside from surfing, there's really not a whole lot you can do around here.) So I decided I would teach myself how to invest. Sitting in a cublicle with nothing to do left me with a ton of options. The internet was my oyster. So I began reading about investing online which eventually led to reading some financial statements. Great way to spend a beautiful Thursday in Hawaii, isn't it? I was reading Google's financial statement since I heard they were doing so well. And I ran across a new service they offer and had been talking about: blogger. Ran an internet search and tada!

So you may also ask, "Sean, how do you expect to invest when you're not working?" Trust me, I realize that. I'm working on it.

And by the way, let me tell you how Hawaii's been. If you're not already bored, trust me, you will be soon. But what better do I have to do than bore the hell out of you. They say misery loves company. Maybe the same will be true about boredom.

I have a surfboard and a car. Most of you already know that. So I drive to go surfing. Logical. Aside from that, I sit around and play with my two year old cousin, Madison. Cool kid. I roam around the island and realize that it's really not that big. You can get from one end to the other in about 45 minutes. I watch some tv and surf the internet. Did you know that they have a channel in Hawaii almost solely dedicated to Korean soap operas? Yeah, neither did I. They are a lot more entertaining when they have subtitles. For all of you that don't speak Korean, just trust me on that. And occasionally I roam the want ads for jobs around the country. I know I'm going to have to build my wealth sooner or later.

So, hope all's well where ever you may find yourself. And if it's just me reading my own blog...Word, Sean. Word. I'll catch you all later.

And Jin and Olivia. Didn't forget about you. Happy Birthday!
