I moved my blog to www.seanchon.com. Please visit me there for updated posts, photos, etc.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
San Francisco Randonneurs
A coworker, JC, suggested riding in a brevet this upcoming Saturday with the San Francisco Randonneurs. I had heard the word randonneur thrown around in different cycling conversations, but was a bit clueless of its significance.
From what I've read on Wikipedia and on the San Francisco Randonneurs' site, I've learned the following. A brevet is non-competitive: there is a maximum time limit to finish the course, but no prize for first. The rides are usually minimally supervised, relying on honesty and check-point controls such as recording a mileage marker on a certain sign or receiving a time stamped receipt from a particular store, etc. And I believe you have to pack your own gear, especially if you plan to stop and sleep.
This Saturday's ride is only a 115k, also known as a Populaire, and should be a good intro to the sport. The categories of rides go all the way up to 1200+ km spread over multiple days, the most famous being the Paris-Brest-Paris.
It's really good having an event to look forward to. And we'll see where this journey goes!
Here's a picture from checkpoint 2 of the ride: Nicasio General Store.
Me, Eric, JC, Adrienne, and Meli
Posted by
Sean Chon
12:08 AM
Labels: cycling
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Go Handmade in 2009!
This month I received an issue of Bicycling “The Buyers Guide 2009” and in big, bold letters the cover reads “Why You Need a New Bike This Year.” The magazine goes on to argue that despite the economy headed south a bicycle is still rated as a “buy.” As they put it, “A bicycle is an investment, and its returns lie far beyond the bounds of money,” referring to the health benefits, life experiences, and social or not-so-social aspects of riding. Then they ease you into pages of bicycle specs and reviews ranging from a Jamis Commuter 1 with a price of $365 (which I think is suggestive of how many days a year you should ride it) to the for-your-eyes-only Fondreist TF1 Anniversary priced at $13,000.
The economy sucks! And as a past small business owner, I know that even the smallest fluctuations in business are felt whether good or bad. Most handmade bicycle builders are small businesses with only a handful of employees and some with only one person taking the orders, building the bikes, and doing the nitty-gritty of business back end. As it turns out, a majority of people in the U.S. are employed by small businesses and I think it benefits our economy greatly to support the small guys.
So this weekend marks the 5th Annual North American Handmade Bicycle Show held in Indianapolis. A few years back, the NAHBS came to San Jose, California. Ever since that day I've been obsessed with handmade bicycles. I have two of my own, a touring/cyclocross bicycle and a track bike. And since, I have been visiting some of the builders' sites and drooling over their latest creations.
I would like to share some of the links that I frequent and hope you'll find them just as interesting as I do...and perhaps start saving for your dream bike! This is by no means a comprehensive list, so I encourage you to share links.
S.F. Bay Area and Beyond
Innerlight Cycles: The two bicycles I mentioned earlier are Innerlights and they rock! They are built in Davis, CA by Kimo Tanaka.
Sycip: These guys are out of the Santa Rosa area and from what I hear, their bikes are legendary. They offer some really cool two-tone powdercoats.
Calfee Design: I believe Craig Calfee was one of the pioneers of carbon bicycle frames. They also do a beautiful bamboo bicycle.
Ahrens Bicycles: Mike Ahrens is an engineer by profession and makes bicycles on the side. Check out his headset spacer and seatpost clamp bottle openers. Some day I'd like to be like Mike!
Portland, Oregon
Vanilla Bicycles: I saw these bikes for the first time at the NAHBS. They had a tricycle on display with Phil Wood wheels. That says it all!
Hufnagel Cycles: I came across this site when reading about a S.F. pro-skateboarder by the same last name. Props for the pewter head badges.
Keith Anderson Cycles: Keith is actually out of Grants Pass, OR. He does amazing OEM painting for other frame builders and does these wicked looking pursuit track bikes.
Madison, Wisconsin
Jonny Cycles: These bikes probably left the biggest impression on me at the NAHBS. They are just really cool looking bikes.
Banjo Cycles: These bikes have an elegant classic look and the rustic headbadge is a nice touch. Banjo Cycles shares shop space with Jonny Cycles.
ZR Cycles: Classic lugs and beautiful fillet brazed joints. ZR Cycles also shares shop space with Jonny Cycles.
Somewhere on planet earth
Fast Boy Cycles: These bikes are really cool with their wooden handlebars and custom wood handlebar racks.
BME: Homemade carbon fiber and bamboo bicycles. Are you kidding me? Awesome!
UBI's Links
A handful of the builders listed got their start at the United Bicycle Institute. They have an extensive list of links on their site. I would love to take their frame building course someday.
I hope you enjoyed some of these links and I hope it inspired you to go handmade!
Posted by
Sean Chon
12:16 AM
Friday, January 16, 2009
Golden Gate Bridge Sunrise
And here's a picture from the other side of the bridge from this morning's bicycle commute. The weather is still looking good!
I did a similar picture from the other side of the bridge a couple days earlier during the evening bicycle commute capturing the sunset. It's here.
Posted by
Sean Chon
6:39 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Golden Gate Bridge Sunset
Here's a picture from yesterday's bicycle commute. I have to admit, we do have it pretty easy in California. It's been in the 60s or 70s all week. Not bad for January.
Posted by
Sean Chon
9:16 PM
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Commuting by Bicycle: A New Year and a New You!
I've been struggling for motivation to commute to work by bicycle this winter, and by good fortune I came across a blog dedicated to the bicycle commuter called Commute by Bike. I posted a comment asking how others motivate themselves to get on their bikes during the colder, wetter, and darker months of the year and they were kind enough to start a discussion about it.
There were lots of really great responses. A couple of my favorites were:
“Simple. I have no car. My choices are ride a bike or walk to work. It’s 4.2 miles. Staying home isn’t an option. I’m simply too busy at work and if I stop showing up I’ll get fired and I’ll lose my house and I’ll have to sleep under the bridge and will have to not just ride my bike in cold, wet weather but LIVE in cold wet weather. So my Jon Grinder
Browsing elsewhere online, I also stumbled upon stories of people commuting to work on their studded tires through snow storms in well below freezing temperatures. Wow, if they're doing it, there's no excuse for me not to ride in.
And plus, look at the view along the way to work:
Posted by
Sean Chon
8:22 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
Brew, Bottle, and Taste
Finally...after over a month of patiently waiting, our first batch of beer, Pluto's Not a Planet Amber Ale, was ready for tasting. It tasted surprisingly like...beer. The carbonation was just right and it had a pretty good flavor. Maybe my expectations were low since this was our first batch and I just recently watched Palin's first debate, but it exceeded the expectations I had set.
It was a busy night as we also bottled the Federal Bailout IPA and began brewing Hard Time Belgium Ale. It's looking like some good brews from here on out.
Thomas pouring the first bottle of Pluto's Not a Planet.
Federal Bailout in the carboy awaiting bottling.
Bottling Federal Bailout.
Boiling the barley for Hard Times.
Posted by
Sean Chon
3:24 PM
Labels: "home brew", beer, brewing